On the train from Bristol to London, a woman sits behind me and I can’t help zoning into her conversation. ‘I really struggle with those morning meetings, what does he actually want me to do?’
How does it feel to leave a morning meeting with no idea of what you’re meant to do for the rest of the day? How must if feel to have no direction, no vision and no trust in your manager?
My next thought is what was the manager thinking going into the meeting? What did he do and say? And what did this woman need to hear to leave feeling more inspired?
Sometimes when we’re under pressure, we forget who we’re meant to be leading and supporting. We can miss our team’s reactions and we forget to check for clarity, understanding and next steps.
‘Begin with the end in mind’ (by Stephen Covey) is a simple phrase I often use to reset my mindset and move towards a better outcome.
Before your next meeting, engage an intentional mindset by imagining what a great meeting would look like, consider what you want your team to think, feel and do differently, and think about the key steps to get there.
Begin with the end in mind.